Jenn is a WOM to three rascals. She is an instructor at Abilene Christian University. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Organizational Leadership. Jenn LOVES to read and nerd out on Brene' Brown quotes. Jenn and her husband Mark are the founders of Worlds Okayest Mom, Inc.
Tashunna is a WOM to three awesome kiddos! She just finished nursing school all the while WOM'in and wife'in like a BOSS. She has a killer laugh and makes her family's world go round. Tashunna loves to walk and DANCE IT OUT!
Hey! I’m Stephanie, and I live in Abilene, TX with my husband and three precious boys. Life with my little family is the sweetest! We love spending time with family and friends (all who are WOMS!), and stay busy with our brand new babe (baby Sam).
I spent the first twelve years of my professional life in education, a federal nonprofit program and higher ed. At 35 I didn’t think life was crazy enough, so I made a move to a corporate gig.
I don’t Pinterest. I don’t exercise. I don’t like dressing my kids up for the 137 special days throughout the school year. My dream is to nap and eat Oreos (double stuffed-duh) in yoga pants on the beach. BUT I’m fiercely loyal and love my people BIG, including you all in WOMland!
April is a mom of two- Allie the aspiring Broadway Star and Caden the Minecraft expert- and a wife of one- Chris the junior high band director. She is a kindergarten teacher in Abilene and she spends her free time helping lead worship and collaborating on a yearly VBS musical production for her church, Southern Hills Church of Christ. She is an Enneagram 4 with a 3 wing, which means that she loves to feel her feelings, perform creatively, and win at monopoly. She loves her children but she is not sure she will survive the tween years unscathed. Her very best friends are Brene Brown and Jen Hatmaker…they just don’t know it yet! She loves WOM with all her heart, and she is so proud of this community her friends have built!
"I have three kids, Nate 16, Sadie 13, Claire 10. I am a Surgical First Assistant."
"I'm a bio mom of two (Connor- 9, Elise- 4), bonus mom of two (Taya- 16, Jacey- 10). I’m a behavior therapist for children with autism. I’m currently studying for my Master’s in Developmental Disabilities with a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis so I can be a Board Certified Behavior Analyst soon!”
I became a mom at the young age of 16, now have three fabulous children in the higher double digits! I was lucky to have the best examples of motherhood. I was able to watch "okay" become amazing, and learn what kind of mom I wanted to be! I'm a wife, a teacher, a baseball/volleyball mom, a shopper, and just a little bit crazy! I'm also an OG admin--one of the original eight!"
"I am Becky. I have two crazy kiddos, 11 (boy) & 7 (diva). I am an early childhood behavior coach."
"I have four kids who are my greatest accomplishments and biggest blessings. I'm a full-time student studying to become a registered nurse."
"My name is Kim Hardin, and I'm married to the most patient giving man ever created by God, he's better at parenting our four children (Caleb 9, Bayleigh 8, Benjamin 4, and Charlie 2) than I could ever hope to be! I spent ten years teaching 3rd and 4th grade, and now I teach future teachers at Abilene Christian University, I'm living my dream!"
"I have three kids: Graeham almost 11, Phoebe 4, and Miles 13 months. I'm an admin at a small preschool, and I am studying to take the GRE this year. I’m also endeavoring into brewing my own beer in 2019. Woot!”
"I'm a WOM of one adorable almost 4-year-old with a BOY bun in the oven. I'm a sociology professor."
Evan is a full-time mama to two precious little boys, Case and Lane. She can handle the toughest things in life with grace and grit!
" I have three kids (22, 20, 16). I also work in the Adams Center for Teaching and Learning at ACU and teach as an adjunct."
" I have a 23-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son. I work for Abilene Head Start as Master Family Advocate/ ERSEA (aka Enrollment) Coordinator."
Mollie is a low-maintenance, middle-aged, chubby, feminist, Christian, liberal soccer mom raising two fierce little women, Mattie and Lena. Married to a lovable curmudgeon for 20+ years, Mollie works hard to love mercifully, act justly, and walk humbly.
Laura Barnett serves as an admin of WOM and is a member of WOM’s board of directors. She is a Dallas native who now lives in McKinney with her husband and bonus daughter. Laura is the Director of Communications for Axxess, a healthcare software company. She loves WOM’s aim to spread positivity as moms walk through all the seasons of motherhood. She is a former tv news anchor who loves her family, traveling, and making people laugh.
Ashlee is a mama to 5 boys and wife to her favorite stud, Brandon. She gets all the glitter and glam to HERSELF! She is a member of Junior League of Austin and runs her own small non-profit. She is also working on becoming a certified Nutritional Health Practitioner. Holistic and natural are her jam! In the middle of managing her worlds okayest little frat house she enjoys reading, working out, sunshine and traveling.
"I have three kids. I'm a full-time stay at home mom and a part-time photographer."
Teri Maready is an elementary school teacher and has three children (one daughter and two sons) ages 20, 13, and 9.
Talan is a mama to three cutie patooties. She is a stay at home mama and Associate Vice President of World’s Okayest Mom. Talan has more talents, style, and smarts than any one person should be allowed to have. She is gorgeous inside and out.
"I am a mother of two wonderful children, Molly and Ian. I am a former cosmetic and formulary chemist turned legal analyst specializing in intellectual property research."
Lyric is a mama to four children under the age of 7! Her hubby has been deployed several times to serve our country. He is a hero, and Lyric is a rockstar mama. Don't let her size fool you--there is ZERO doubt her teeny tiny self can handle ANYthing life swings at her.
Misty is a beautiful soul with a servant's heart. She is a WOM like the rest of us! She also runs her own children's clothing boutique.
Kristina is a college professor who teaches communication, sociology and coaches debate. She has a the best daughter ever (in her opinion), a 15 year old named Téa.
Hi! My name is Celena Badylak and I am former teacher. Now, a full-time momma to three crazy boys who keep me busier than I ever thought was possible. Love being a part of WOM!
My name is Sarah Belcher I am currently a stay at home mom. I have a son who is 10 and a daughter who is 7. I’m on the board of our local Head Start where I’ve been a volunteer for 6+ years. I’m also going on my 3rd yr as a volunteer for PTA and currently serving as PTA President. I enjoy spending time with my family and crafting when I get the chance. I’m usually running kids from one thing to another, looking like a mess and drinking Starbucks!
Hi! My name is Bridget. I’m the wife to my fave guy and mom to two sweet girls, Lola Jane & Finley, plus a few four-legged friends. I’m a nurse, a trunk keeper for Matilda Jane Clothing, and am now spending lots of time helping my sister-in-law run a fun little flower shop in the heart of Texas. I absolutely LOVE WOM and the community of strong and supportive women that it has brought together.
I’m 27 years old and mom of 2. My son Braedyn is 7 and bonus daughter Kianna is 12. I’m in a relationship with an amazing guy and am currently going to school to get my degree in teaching. My dream is to be an elementary teacher one day and I’m so excited about it! I currently work at Cardiology Consultants as the Lead Scheduling Representative. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family and change peoples lives.
I am a stay at home mom to two amazing boys, a wife to the best husband, and a professional volunteer! I have the hardest time saying no, so I’m a board member, PTO hospitality chair, soccer coach, admin, and I run my own local moms group of 6,000. I stay busy all the time. I’m a liberal snowflake, foodie, and wine lover. I’m a work in progress and that’s ok. I’m OK
Taryn is a mom of 3: Layla-9, Cason-6, Dak-1.5. She is mostly a stay at home mama but also works with her mom at a small backyard hair salon.
Hey Ya'll! I'm Kellie Blanchard. I have grown up in Abilene, TX. I work in Real Estate Administration as well as owning my own technology marketing business. I have been married for 8 years to a retired Air Force Veteran who happens to be the cheese to my mac! We are the proud parents of one outgoing, computer programming 8 year old boy named Oliver Jude. We are also proud parents to one sweet angel baby in Heaven. I TRULY believe in WOM. It fuels my soul to be uplifting and giving to other women. I love to cook, watch crime dramas, play with make up and spend time with my huge family! ( have 4 sisters and 3 step siblings!) #supportyourlocalgirlgang
All of us are committed to the purpose of World's Okayest Mom. We want to raise awareness and funds for our non-profit to care for mamas in need. We want our Facebook page to be positive, supportive, and free of judgment. If someone asks for advice, we will monitor that process within the parameters of our page. We all have children, jobs, and plates full of commitments. We, too, have had moments in life that we wouldn't wish upon anyone. None of us fear the fire; we have simply become it. We are fierce. We know this WOM gig is HARD! If you need something, please reach out to one of us. We care about each of you. You are worthy of love and belonging. We hope this page and group of over 34K women makes you feel that way.
- Brene Brown